Hand Carved Stories to Share
We are currently working on new projects.
Email northwestcoastcreatives@gmail.com to inquire!
FAQ: Why are the visual art images watermarked?
The artists at Northwest Coast Creatives are acutely aware of fraudulent acts of illegally reproducing Northwest Coast Indigenous art without consent, and have watermarked our images in response to this constant stealing of cultural and intellectual properties.
Please respect our decisions to protect our property. You may learn more about intellectual property and its impacts through Authentic Indigenous, where we would be rated as Tier 1(products are designed, produced and distributed by Indigenous artists or businesses).
If you would like to better see the artwork, connect to our team for a video call or more clear images.

Northwest Coast Creatives
Northwest Coast Creatives is an artist collective aiming to share hand-crafted visual art and stories with a broader audience.
With beginnings in 2021, this space hopes to promote alternative methods for distributing our art + stories, while also giving ourselves agency to represent and trade/sell our handmade items.
We had grown weary of not representing ourselves, sometimes being misrepresented in commercial galleries. This way, we can know where our art travels, who it spends time with, and connect with art and culture appreciators. The intention here is always the connecting points.
Our current members are: Angelo Cavagnaro (Nisga’a) and Veronica Waechter (Gitxsan)
Their artistic practices are grounded in Northwest Coast traditional Indigenous art, and expressed through their own present-day experiences.